Waste Education
Disposal Opposition – Land Filling versus Incineration
At DSI and LSI, we prioritize sustainable waste disposal, utilizing both incineration and modern landfill practices. Approximately 35% of our waste undergoes incineration, while our landfills adhere to stringent Subtitle D standards, featuring lined structures for environmental and community protection. Regular inspections ensure compliance, including leachate water collection to safeguard groundwater and wetlands. The collected water is treated at a facility for environmental preservation.
Despite higher energy recovery on the waste hierarchy chart, our modern landfill stands out, generating enough electricity to power 3600 homes daily. Operated privately, it requires no public taxpayer money, contributing significantly—upwards of half a million dollars—to the municipality for host fees, supporting general fund initiatives.

Advancements in Modern Landfill Technology
Burnsville Landfill's utilizes sophisticated gas collection and monitoring systems, employing cutting-edge equipment to manage methane and carbon dioxide emissions within EPA regulations. Specialized designs also harness landfill gas for alternative energy. Groundwater integrity is ensured through permanent monitoring stations following ASTM standards. Burnsville Landfill embraces sustainability by converting captured landfill gases, including methane, into renewable energy, to illuminate and heat homes and businesses in the region.
Unlocking Long-Term Potential
Former landfills, once capped with synthetic membranes, clay, and topsoil, are transformed into valuable community assets such as, parks, wildlife habitats, and recreational facilities. Continuous monitoring ensures environmental protection and the sustained integrity of these capped landfills. Landfill gas emerges as a reliable and eco-friendly energy source, endorsed by the EPA. Beyond embracing renewable energy, it reduces reliance on foreign energy, it offers constant output, predictability, and stability in fuel prices. With over 95% energy availability, landfill gas-to-energy projects contribute significantly to environmental sustainability, offsetting non-renewable resources. These initiatives play a crucial role in North America's pursuit of alternative energy sources and environmental well-being.

Advancements in Leachate Management
Modern leachate collection and treatment systems safeguard against liquids percolating through landfill waste. Custom-designed for each landfill, these systems adhere to environmental regulations, consider leachate composition, local climate, site age, and operations. The goal is to capture and properly treat leachate, preventing contamination of the surrounding environment. Treatment may occur at community wastewater plants or on-site facilities employing a combination of technologies, tailored to specific landfill conditions.
State-Of-The-Art Liners
Liners form the primary barrier between the landfill’s content and the surrounding environment. State-of-the-art composite liners made from both synthetic and natural materials. The exact composition of these liners depends on the nature of the waste that will occupy the landfill itself. Most liners include a high density polyethylene (HDPE) geomembrane over a layer of recompacted clay at least two feet thick. The HDPE membrane is laid in sheets and heat welded by hand. Each seam is inspected and tested to prevent leaks. Quality control managers oversee every step of liner construction.

Landfills produce landfill gas throughout their life. The flowbegins to decrease shortly after the landfill is closed.
Landfill gas cannot be stored. Therefore, gas that is not used immediately to produce power must be burned off at the site using flares.
Gas from landfills is being used by many industries, including major automotive, chemical companies, utilities and power cooperatives to provide electricity for homes in the area.
Are you still uncertain about sizing, pricing, or other details? Contact one of our professionals to get more information regarding which option is the best for you.